The Luxembourg Gardens were created on request of Queen Marie de Medici in 1612. The gardens, which cover 25 hectares of land, are split into French gardens and English gardens. Between the two, lies a geometric forest and a large octagonal pond. The garden also has the monumental Medici fountain.

The Garden Bassin and the South Facade of The Luxembourg Palace

Since 1958, after the creation of the 5th Republic by Charles de Gaulle, the palace has been home to the Sénat (French Senate).

The sculpture of the Greek goddess Artemis

The French flag flying on the tip of the Palace Dome

The Medici Fountain (La fontaine Médicis)

Located at the eastern end of the Jardin du Luxembourg, the Medici Fountain is one of the most important decorative elements of the garden and one of the most romantic spots in Paris!

Polyphemus Surprising Acis and Galatea

Long ago in Sicily, Galatea was a sea nymph, a Nereid, who lived on the island inhabited also by the Cyclops Polyphemus, son of Poseidon, who was deeply in love with Galatea. However, Galatea liked the young shepherd Acis. Galatea and Acis used to mock Polyphemus's songs of love for Galatea. One day, the jealous Polyphemus caught them together on a grassy hill, and killed Acis by crushing him under a huge rock. Acis' blood formed a stream beneath the rock. Galatea then transformed her lover into an immortal river spirit. This episode was made the subject of poems, operas, paintings and statues in the Renaissance and after.

Acis and the sea-nymph Galatea

A place for everyone to enjoy. To experience freedom. To embrace "la joie de vivre"

Even though, in November, most flowers have already withered due to the start of winter, the beautiful Dahlias around the Luxembourg garden are enough to capture your attention.

Sailing Boats in the Grand Bassin

One tradition for kids to partake is renting a miniature sail boat and pushing it into the depths of the Grand Basin, an octagonal pond that is the centerpiece of the Park. With a gentle push of a stick to launch the boat from the edge of the pond, with luck and a steady wind, your boat may find its way to the other side. Sailing a pond boat is an activity that takes patience and persistence. Yet, it is rewarding and a simple activity, enjoyed by generations of Parisians and visitors to the City.

Visitors often bring some food for the friendly birds in the park. They only start flying away once some michievous kids will start chasing them.

Even when the park is very busy, it's still possible to find a quiet place to be alone.

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